Delivering services to patients is the first consideration
Rostering Best Practice is an important program which ensures that services provide quality and safety to patients through effective rostering of the health workforce. Our vision is to shape the future of rostering to enable the safe delivery of healthcare.
The Rostering Best Practice team (RBPT formerly the Rostering Centre of Excellence) was formed in 2009 to assess the status of rostering within NSW Health. A comprehensive analysis of rostering practices across NSW Health was completed. These results along with extensive stakeholder consultation formed the foundation of the NSW Health
Rostering Resource Manual.
The RBPT work with local health districts and speciality health networks (LHDs/SHNs) to standardise and reduce variation in practice and procedure through the development of a localised package of resources, guidelines, staff brochures, educational workshops combined with supportive local data.
The RBPT review, educate and implement rostering improvement strategies with the objective of embedding standardised rostering processes and continuous improvement in rostering and rostering best practice initiatives across all hospitals.
Achievements so far
The RBPT has completed engagements and implemented a framework for rostering governance across all LHD/SHNs. The Rostering Best Practice infographic illustrates the aim behind Rostering Best Practice and the journey that the Rostering Best Practice Team has been on with LHD/SHNs since initiation. It also highlights the methodology, collaborative nature of rostering and tools that may be useful to LHDs, SHNs, roster managers and rostered staff who are working with the Rostering Best Practice team.
The RBPT is now moving towards the sustainability model of rostering integration, continuous improvement and rostering benefits realisation. We drive the rostering B.A.S.I.C.S, which are benefits realisation, analytics, systems, integration, capability and sustainability across NSW Health agencies.
In addition to this, the RBPT engage with agencies to provide targeted reviews and performance support initiatives as required.