The role of the local health district (LHD) Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) Coordinator is to oversee implementation of the NSW RHD Program within the LHD, and ensure program objectives are achieved.
The role of the LHD RHD Coordinator includes the following key activities and functions:
Case Management
- collaborate with the case manager, clinicians involved in the case’s care and the Public Health Unit to ensure the patient is consented to the NSW RHD Register and that appropriate services are identified for the ongoing management of the patient (see case management)
- inform NSW RHD Coordinator if advised that patients have completed the treatment period, are moving between LHDs or interstate, or wish to leave the Register
- assist the case manager with strategies to retain patients in care when cases have missed appointments or are lost to follow-up.
Data management
- collaborate with the NSW RHD Coordinator to collect information on follow-up at the time of joining the Register
- collaborate with the Public Health Unit, clinicians and clinical networks on active case finding.
Consultancy and provision of expert advice
- provide consultancy and expert advice on the prevention and management of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and RHD to healthcare workers, patients and the community
- identify LHD resources to assist with the culturally appropriate management and follow-up of people with ARF and RHD
- in collaboration with the public health unit provide information and links to training and education on all aspects of prevention and management of ARF and RHD to other staff within the LHD
- provide input into the development of NSW RHD Program policies, guidelines and other resources to support best practice within the program.
- work with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Primary Health Networks within the LHD to improve knowledge of best practice for the prevention and management of ARF and RHD
- participate in the quarterly NSW RHD Network meetings and communicate meeting actions and outcomes to other staff and clinical networks within the LHD.
Research and professional development
- participate in operational research to contribute to the evidence base supporting the prevention and management of ARF and RHD in the LHD and the broader NSW RHD Program
- support NSW RHD Program research initiatives
- participate in professional development activities related to the prevention and management of ARF and RHD.