Contact the patient’s doctor to:
- Obtain patient’s history
- Confirm results of relevant pathology tests or recommend that the tests be done
- Inform the doctor you will have to contact patient or care giver
Contact the patient (or care giver) to:
- Confirm onset date and symptoms of the illness
- Confirm travel history
- If no overseas travel, identify location/s of patient during exposure period (3-14 days prior to onset of symptoms)
- Complete Dengue Investigation Form
- Provide with Dengue Factsheet
If patient is in receptive area:
- Recommend the patient (and their household contacts) avoid being bitten by mosquitoes while febrile (first 5 days of symptoms)
- Identify known contacts and obtain contact details
- Contact patients contacts to determine current symptoms and recommend testing if necessary
- Provide contacts with Dengue Factsheet
Contact laboratory to:
- Obtain any outstanding results
Where local transmission is suspected
Public Health Units should notify CD Oncall within 48 hours of the notification:
- Inform them of case details and exposure information
Other issues
- Assess information against case definition to confirm case
- Enter case data onto notifiable diseases database
- Report details of case and action plan to state/territory CDB
- Initiate active case finding
- Consider alerting local doctors, EDs, laboratories
- Consider local media release