Front and centre to our COVID-19 fight has been Westmead's Infection Control team. While infection prevention has always been essential, COVID-19 has reminded us how important this is to keep our patients and staff safe.
Bonded by their love of gelato and a passion to ensure the best care and protection for patients, the close-knit team of seven, are involved in just about everything that happens at Westmead Hospital.
Clinical Nurse Consultant Beth White, said, we interact with all staff from medical to maintenance, providing advice on things from gowns and gloves to cooling towers and water quality.
'Many staff probably know us as the team who talks a lot about hand hygiene and cleaning, but infection control is so much more,' Ms White said.
In recent months, Infection Control has been busier than ever educating and training staff, rolling out new policies, monitoring healthcare acquired infections, and leading Standards.
In January 2020, when Australia's first COVID-19 patient was treated at Westmead Hospital, Infection Control team members joined the COVID-19 ward and were central to setting up processes to manage the risk of onward transmission.
Along with guiding infection control for Westmead, the team also supports Dental and Cumberland Hospital and has provided advice for the COVID-19 vaccination hub, pop-up COVID-19 testing clinics and COVID-19 preparedness in local residential aged care facilities.
Renowned for their ability to absorb and impart important knowledge quickly, this lively group of nurses have found themselves becoming a hotline for all things COVID-19. There's not a problem big or small the team won't be able to solve.
'Westmead is our home and we love working here. We want everyone to know we are here to help every staff member to deliver the best possible care,' Ms White said.