Shigellosis control guideline: Appendix A. Response procedure for shigellosis notification (testing flowchart)
Notification: Faecal multiplex PCR positive Shigella/EIEC
- Create new probable shigellosis case on NCIMS.
- Contact doctor:
- to check culture requested – If culture was not originally requested, ask doctor to add-on
- to ask if case is a high risk case, has travelled overseas, if case is on antibiotics and which antibiotic. If patient is high risk confirm that full sensitivities have been requested by the doctor
- for permission to contact case.
- If case is:
- high risk1: ensure case has received appropriate advice on hygiene and exclusion. Contact case if Doctor has not/is unable. If case is MSM, ask if visited SOPV.
- Aboriginal: if relevant, discuss with local Aboriginal Health Workers & if ongoing infection in community is a risk, enact appropriate response.
- Check culture result2
- For EIEC PCR results (Westmead only) - Enteroinvasive E.coli PCR positive exclude NCIMS record
- For culture negative or culture not done:
- If no Epi link: NCIMS remains as Probable. No further action.
- If Epi link:
- Confirm on NCIMS
- Contact primary lab to:
- Ensure Shigella isolate has been sent to ICPMR for serotyping
- If a high risk case1, obtain copy of full sensitivities3. If necessary, discuss sensitivity results with treating doctor
- Contact case for full questionnaire
- For culture positive Shigella species
- Confirm on NCIMS
- Contact primary lab to:
- Ensure Shigella isolate has been sent to ICPMR for serotyping
- If a high risk case1, obtain copy of full sensitivities3. If necessary, discuss sensitivity results with treating doctor.
- Contact case for full questionnaire
Notification: Shigella species culture positive notification
- Check culture result2
- For EIEC PCR results (Westmead only) - Enteroinvasive E.coli PCR positive exclude NCIMS record
- For culture negative or culture not done:
- If no Epi link: NCIMS remains as Probable. No further action.
- If Epi link:
- Confirm on NCIMS
- Contact primary lab to:
- Ensure Shigella isolate has been sent to ICPMR for serotyping
- If a high risk case1, obtain copy of full sensitivities3. If necessary, discuss sensitivity results with treating doctor
- Contact case for full questionnaire
- For culture positive Shigella species
- Confirm on NCIMS
- Contact primary lab to:
- Ensure Shigella isolate has been sent to ICPMR for serotyping
- If a high risk case1, obtain copy of full sensitivities3. If necessary, discuss sensitivity results with treating doctor.
- Contact case for full questionnaire
- Includes food handler, healthcare worker, childcare worker, child in childcare and men who have sex with men (or who otherwise engage in anal play)
- Usually 2-3 days, but may be same day. Follow process regardless.
- Usually available at the same time as the culture result, from the primary diagnostic laboratory.