- Contact the patient’s doctor to:
- ascertain patient’s history
- obtain patient’s contact details and permission to contact the patient
- confirm results of relevant pathology tests.
- Contact the patient (or care giver) to:
- confirm onset date and symptoms of the illness
- identify likely source of infection
- identify co-exposed persons and obtain their contact details
- complete Q fever Disease Investigation Form
- provide Q fever fact sheet.
- Contact laboratory to check samples received and obtain any outstanding results.
- Confirm case - assess information against the case definition and classify the case.
- Contact co-exposed persons of the patient to identify other possible cases in occupational settings and outbreaks.
- Other issues:
- document case treatment and follow-up of those who are at higher risk of chronic Q fever
- involve the local workplace health and safety regulator and the relevant animal health authority if Q fever cases occur in an occupational setting where the workplace is the presumed site of exposure
- consider long term follow up of cases for early ascertainment of chronic Q fever and refer for management.
Return to NSW Control Guideline for public health units for Q fever.