The Regulation and Compliance Unit is responsible for the administration of licensing of anatomy laboratories in NSW under the Anatomy Act 1977.
Any person in charge of the conduct of anatomical examinations at a university, college, school or other education institution must apply, in writing, for a licence to lawfully possess human bodies and tissue for examination purposes at a location specified in the licence.
Anatomical examination of a body includes use of the body for medical or scientific purposes, and includes educational purposes connected with medicine or science. Anatomical examination does not include a post mortem examination, which is covered under the
Human Tissue Act 1983.
Anatomy licences are issued by the Secretary, NSW Ministry of Health for a determined period subject to satisfactory annual inspections. A licence may be granted with specific terms and conditions. Renewal is required at the completion of the determined period. The Secretary may revoke the licence at any time.
For any enquires please contact:
Regulation and Compliance Unit
Telephone: +61 2 94245962
Postal address
Please note: email correspondence is preferred.
Locked Mail Bag 2030
St Leonards NSW 1590