NSW Health recognises the burden that regular or long term hospitalisation and/or treatment places on patients and their carers. Those eligible for concessional car parking include:
- patients and their carers who require treatment over a period of time
- patients and their carers who are attending more than twice weekly, including carers of long term patients who visit frequently
Other people continuing to be eligible for concessional car parking include:
holders of an RMS issued Mobility Parking Scheme permit
- holders of a Pensioner Concession Card
- holders of a Gold Veterans Affairs Card
- holders of a Health Care Card
- ongoing cancer treatment patients
- patients and their carers who are required to attend the hospital/facility for a course of treatment over a period of time greater than one week
- patients and their carers attending more frequently than twice weekly, including carers of long term patients who visit frequently
- cardiac rehabilitation education and exercise class attendees
- daily dressing outpatients
- Health Promotion education class attendees.
Patients and carers who are experiencing financial hardship, but do not meet the listed eligibility categories, are also entitled to concessional car parking.
Communication and access
Hospitals provide communication to patients, carers and visitors about the availability of concessional car parking rates, this includes:
- clearly displaying and publicising concessional rates
- streamlining the concession application process with designated points of access
- validating concessional parking for the duration of a course of treatment
Concession fees
Concessional rates for car parking fees are set annually. They are subject to annual review to reflect increases in the consumer price index (CPI). The fees are published in an annual NSW Health Information Bulletin, for this year's rate, please refer to IB2023_048 - Increase in car parking rates.
The concessional car parking fees are the maximum that can be applied. Some hospital car parks already provide concessions and local health districts and specialty health networks are able to provide a greater level of concession than the published rates at their own discretion.
The current concessional car parking rates that are effective from 1 February 2024.
- 0 to 3 hours - Free
- 1 Exit only - $6.50
- 3-day ticket - $13
- 7- day ticket - $26.10
Single visit tickets are valid for one entry and one exit only, per occasion
Frequent use tickets allow for multiple entries and exits to the Hospital Campus and are issued in 3-day and 7-day tickets.