Hospital open days are an opportunity for local residents to visit their hospital and find out more about the wide array of facilities, current programs and future plans.
It is important residents are aware of the wide variety of health services available and the vital function the hospital provides the local community.
The open days are also an opportunity to find out more about the different careers in health including medicine, nursing, administration and allied health.
Past events
Evans Head HealthOne - 11 February 2020
The new Evans Head HealthOne opened its doors in February 2020, with locals getting to meet staff and tour the facility at the official opening on 11 February.
The new facility is a modern and contemporary building, replacing the former Community Health Centre, benefitting locals and visitors alike.
Tailored services are provided on site, thanks to the
state of the art clinical rooms, gymnasium and treatment spaces.
Health services provided include:
- chronic diseases management and lifestyle groups
- cardiac rehab and respiratory groups
- individual and group child and family therapy including speech pathology, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy
- child and family nursing
- podiatry
- dietetics and diabetes education services.
Muswellbrook Hospital – 29 November 2019

Muswellbrook Hospital threw open its doors on 29 November, Friday to showcase its new and enhanced services during a Community Open Day.
More than 150 community members joined staff to celebrate Stage 2 of the Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment, enjoying a few short speeches to mark the occasion followed by tours of the new facility. The day also featured stalls including free health checks and information, and a sausage sizzle lunch.
Muswellbrook Hospital Manager Wendy Hordern said the event was a perfect opportunity for the community get to know the new health services.
“We’re so pleased that after patiently watching our redeveloped hospital take shape the community was able to get a close look at the new and improved services we now have on offer,” Ms Hordern said.
“The community was so happy for the opportunity to take a good look around, and many people made time to chat to me on the day and give great feedback on the beautiful new facilities and enhanced services.”
The day was also an opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing work of many HNE Health staff who contributed to the services and facility planning during the past four years.
The $21.5 million Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment has delivered expanded and refurbished services including:
- Infusion Unit with four standalone chairs, and a new chemotherapy procedure/isolation room with treatment chair
- Renal Dialysis Unit with five spaces, and an additional renal dialysis isolation room with treatment chair.
- expanded ambulatory care clinic, with six consultation rooms, two interview rooms and one procedure room
- Day Stay Unit with six recovery bays
- a new medical imaging department
- Oral Health with two treatment chairs
- new outpatient area.
Culcairn - 24 November 2019
Culcairn Local Health Advisory Committee hosted an Open Day on Sunday 24 November 2019 from 11.00 am – 2.00 pm.
St George Hospital – 11 November 2019
St George Hospital staff and volunteers, as well as members of the community, took part in a historical open day on Monday 11 November, 2019 with Mark Coure MP, Member for Oatley, to commemorate the 125th anniversary of caring in Kogarah.
As part of the celebrations, guests were invited to take a sneak-peek preview of the new Birth Unit. More than 100 people registered to view the state-of-the-art facility, which will become operational in early 2020.
Official festivities were held in the atrium of the Acute Services Building and included speeches and a ceremony to cut a cake designed to replicate the St George Hospital Acute Services Building, Emergency Department and Tower Ward Block.
For more information, refer to
St George community paint the town red & white for the hospital’s 125-year celebrations.
Blacktown Hospital – 31 October 2019
Blacktown Hospital’s OpenDay included facility tours of the hospital’s new acute services building, hosted by hospital staff, as well as community information stalls.
Stalls provided ibasic health checks and information on diabetes, organ donation, volunteering, wellness (origami and hand massages), breast screening and nicotine replacement therapy. The Department of Education and TAFE also provided stalls.
Community tours of the new hospital building ammunity tours of the new hospital building were a great success with lots of interest from various ages and questions about the design of the facility.
The event was tied with the WSLHD annual public meeting which also featured a guest appearance from incoming Blacktown JMO and Olympian Jana Pittman.
For more information visit
The Pulse.
Gulgong Multipurpose Service – 2 November 2019
The Gulgong Multi Purpose Service (MPS), hosted by the local Health Council and Hospital Auxiliary was a huge success, including hosted tours of the facility and garden areas, as well as information on the wide array of technology used, including telehealth. The event was attended by the Member for Dubbo, Dugald Saunders MP.