Radiography or diagnostic medical imaging is the science involving the controlled use of radiation for the production of images to assist in the diagnosis and subsequent management of disease and injury. The medical radiation practitioner, in consultation with medical specialists, has immediate responsibility for producing medical images using techniques including diagnostic radiography, CT, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for medical diagnosis and treatment. With additional studies radiographers can be dual trained as sonographers.
33.5Work hours per week
42.1Years average age
10.8%Future 60+
3.4%Aboriginal workforce target
Demand is expected to grow 3.6% (low demand scenario) to 3.9% (high demand scenario).
Workforce modelling indicates the need to grow the NSW radiography workforce by around 6 to 22 new professionals per annum to meet community need in 2040 across both demand scenarios.
33.3Work hours per week
41.1Years average age
2.2%Aged 60+
33.8Work hours per week
40.2Years average age
0.9%Aged 60+
32.9Work hours per week
1%Aged 60+
The geographic distribution of the public workforce by local health district/network, by facility and per 100,000 population.
0 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+
0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20+