A dietitian is a professional who applies the science of food and nutrition to promote health, prevent and treat disease to optimise the health of individuals, groups, communities and populations. The profession of dietetics contributes to the promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of illness by optimising the nutrition of populations, communities and individuals. Dietitians have a defined and recognisable body of knowledge and utilise scientific principles and methods in the study of nutrition and dietetics, applying these results to influence the wider environment affecting food intake and eating behaviour. The scope of dietetic practice is such that dietitians may work in a variety of settings and have a variety of work functions.
27.3Work hours per week
39.4Years average age
8.8%Future 60+
3.4%Aboriginal workforce target
Demand is expected to grow 1.7% (low demand scenario) to 2.4% (high demand scenario).
Workforce modelling indicates the need to grow the NSW nutrition and dietetics workforce by around 39 to 59 new professionals per annum to meet community need in 2040 across both demand scenarios.
27.0Work hours per week
38.4Years average age
2.3%Aged 60+
28.7Work hours per week
37.9Years average age
1.0%Aged 60+
25.1Work hours per week
38.9Years average age
1.3%Aged 60+
The geographic distribution of the public workforce by local health district/network, by facility and per 100,000 population.
0 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+
0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20+