Genetic counsellor

  • ​​Genetic counsellors are post graduate trained,   allied health professionals who provide comprehensive, client centred, multigenerational care for families. They work across a range of multidisciplinary healthcare settings and other non-clinical areas. Genetic counsellors integrate clinical genomic knowledge, health communication, and counselling skills. They identify and meet clinical, informational, and psychosocial needs to promote informed decision-making and support people and families who are impacted by, or at increased risk of having a health condition with a genetic basis. The Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) administers the training, certification, and regulation of genetic counsellors in Australia and New Zealand.

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    Workforce characteristics for NSW Health genetic counsellor workforce in 2040


    Work hours per week

    Years average age

    Aboriginal workforce target

    ​​Demand is expected to grow 2.2% (low demand scenario) to 2.5% (high demand scenario).

    Significant career opportunities

    ​​Workforce modelling indicates the need to grow the NSW genetic counsellor workforce by around 3 to 4 new professionals per annum to meet community need in 2040 across both demand scenarios.

    Projected FTE growth for NSW Health genetic counsellor workforce to 2040

    High Demand56565859616264
    Status Quo5656575656555555545454545454535353525252
    Low Demand5656585960626364666769707274757779808284

    Workforce characteristics for NSW Health genetic counsellor workforce in 2021


    Work hours per week

    Years average age


    Aged 60+


    Metropolitan Sydney


    Work hours per week

    Years average age

    Aged 60+

    Non-Metropolitan Sydney


    Work hours per week

    Years average age

    Aged 60+

    Genetic counsellor junior entrant positions into NSW Health


    Workforce distribution for NSW Health genetic counsellor workforce in 2021

    The geographic distribution of the public workforce by local health district/network, by facility and per 100,000 population.


Per local health district

0 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+

Per 100,000 population

0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20+

Per facility

0 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+

Other networks

  • Sydney Children's Hospitals: 10 to 20 | 1 to 5 per 100,000
  • Enable NSW: 0| 0 per 100,000
  • Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health: 0 | 0 per 100,000
  • Workforce considerations

    • Advancements in genomic technology, new funding initiatives (e.g. Medicare Benefits Scheme), and increased use of technology for screening, therapeutics, predictive and diagnostic purposes is increasing demand for the genetic counsellor workforce, and influencing the role of genetic counsellors and the way genetic counselling models of care are delivered in NSW Health.
    • Increased consumer expectations, health literacy and health system priorities may increase demand on the genetic counsellor workforce.
    • Collaborative interdistrict partnerships may improve genetic counselling workforce supply, particularly in regional and rural settings.
    • Ensuring sustainable training pipelines, graduates, and workforce reflect the future workforce requirements of the community, by both location, speciality and skills.
    • Improvements in data capture and demand (met and unmet) is a prioritised need for the workforce.
    • Workforce modelling is based on models of care in 2021. Any change in these models of care may impact on genetic counsellor workforce requirements.
    • Data does not include significant existing genetic counselling workforce shortages and unmet needs. Modelling is limited to projected workforce needs for additional future growth in demand only.


    • Data included is limited to the workforce employed under the relevant health professional award.
    • Specialty health networks are not displayed geographically in the workforce distribution maps.
    • LHD/SHN may engage in sessional arrangements in selected circumstances.
    • Workforce that cannot be aligned to a physical location have been attributed to a pre-determined facility within each LHD/N. This may impact on Headcount shown at these facilities within the distribution map.
    • NSW Health does not make any representations or warranties whether expressed or implied with respect to the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the fact sheet.

Current as at: Monday 29 May 2023