Clinical indicators: Outcome of selected primipara

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Indicator 1.1

The total number of selected primipara who have a spontaneous vaginal birth as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

Indicator 1.2

The total number of selected primipara who undergo induction of labour as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

Indicator 1.3

The total number of selected primipara who undergo an instrumental vaginal birth as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

Indicator 1.4

The total number of selected primipara undergoing caesarean section as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at 20 weeks or greater gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 406 weeks gestation.

Spontaneous vaginal birth is defined as a vaginal birth (regardless of onset of labour) that is not assisted by forceps or vacuum and is not a vaginal breech delivery.

Induction of labour is defined as surgical and/or medical induction.

Instrumental vaginal birth is defined as a vaginal birth assisted by forceps or vacuum.

The downloadable tables for Indicators 1.1–1.4 show information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2022, totals for hospitals for each local health district and sector, and the NSW total.



Source: NSW Perinatal Data Collection (SAPHaRI). Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health.

Current as at: Wednesday 31 July 2024