Author index - W

Walker, Belinda

Title Year Volume
Hendra virus: what do we know? 2011 22
Feral pig hunting: a risk factor for human brucellosis in north-west NSW? 2009 20

Walker, D Murray

Title Year Volume
Oral cancer in NSW 1999 10

Walker, John

Title Year Volume
Imported malaria notified in NSW and the ACT, including trends in notifications of Plasmodium
, 1989 to 2003
2005 16

Wallace, Cate

Title Year Volume
Lessons from a respiratory illness outbreak in an aged-care facility 2008 19
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Human Papilloma Virus 2007 18
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Blood borne viruses in correctional facilities 2005 16

Wallner, Frank

Title Year Volume
Searching for common ground in a local media campaign 1997 8

Wang, Han

Title Year Volume
Has pertussis increased in NSW over the past decade? An evaluation using hospitalisation and
mortality data versus notifications 1988–2002
2003 14

Wang, Lin-Fa

Title Year Volume
Discovering novel zoonotic viruses 2011 22

Wang, Qinning

Title Year Volume
Salmonella typing in NSW: current methods and application of improved epidemiological tools 2008 19

Waples, Peter

Title Year Volume
Reporting on Indigenous Health: Report of the Chief Health Officer, 2000 2000 11
Health surveillance on cruise ships during the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2000 11
Food safety management at Olympic venues during the Sydney 2000 Olympic and
Paralympic Games
2000 11

Ward, James

Title Year Volume
Guarding against an HIV epidemic within an Aboriginal community and cultural framework: lessons
from NSW
2010 21

Ward, Jeanette

Title Year Volume
Women’s health research: signing up or selling out? 2000 11
Women’s health in NSW: where to now? 1999 10

Ward, John G

Title Year Volume
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW: an overview of the public health response 2010 21
Incidence of falls and fall-related outcomes among people in aged-care facilities in the Lower Hunter
region, NSW
2008 19

Ward, Kate A

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza 2010 21
How does the HIV epidemic in NSW compare to other Australian jurisdictions and internationally? 2010 21
Investigation of equine influenza transmission in NSW: walk, wind or wing? 2009 20
Hepatitis A: who in NSW is most at risk of infection? 2008 19
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Malaria 2006 17

Ward, Kirsten F

Title Year Volume
School-based vaccination in NSW 2010 21

Ward, Michael

Title Year Volume
Setting a new agenda 1991 2

Waters, Justine

Title Year Volume
Epidemic asthma surveillance in the New England region 1990-1992 1993 4

Watson, Charles

Title Year Volume
Public communication during an outbreak of infectious disease 1993 4
Public communication in the management of an outbreak of infectious disease 1993 4

Watson, Michael

Title Year Volume
Differences in the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease, metropolitan NSW, 1997–2001 2003 14

Watson, Wendy L

Title Year Volume
Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of falls among community-dwelling older people:
results of the 2009 NSW Falls Prevention Baseline Survey
2011 22
The cost of fall-related injuries among older people in NSW, 2006-07 2011 22
Evaluation of the NSW Management Policy to Reduce Fall Injury Among Older People, 2003-2007:
implications for policy development
2011 22

Weaver, Haylee J

Title Year Volume
Climate change and health: impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation 2009 20

Webb, Cameron E

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Dengue 2011 22
Is there a risk of malaria transmission in NSW? 2008 19
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Ross River virus 2007 18

Webb, Karen

Title Year Volume
Short questions for surveys about bread and cereal intake: comparing measures of quantity
versus frequency
2006 17
Breastfeeding and the public’s health 2005 16
Describing breastfeeding practices in NSW using data from the NSW Child Health Survey, 2001 2005 16
Factors affecting breastfeeding practices: applying a conceptual framework 2005 16
Plans for monitoring food and nutrition in NSW 1997 8
Monitoring aspects of food habits in population-based surveys in NSW 1997 8
Monitoring overweight and obesity in NSW: a guide 1997 8
Monitoring trends in foods available in school canteens 1997 8

Webster, Emma L

Title Year Volume
Influencing population health performance: feedback from managers, population health staff and
clinicians on the NSW Population Health Standards for Area Health Services
2008 19
Influencing population health performance: introduction of standards for area health services in NSW 2007 18

Webster, Ian

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Infectious diseases in homeless people 2008 19
Social inclusion and the public health: the case for partnerships 2002 13
NSW responds to illicit drugs 2000 11
Homelessness: a health issue 1991 2

Webster, Kevin

Title Year Volume
Public health approaches to improved road safety 1992 3

Weeden, Ann

Title Year Volume
A successful volunteer program showcased during the International Year of Volunteering: the
Cancer Council NSW’s Breast Cancer Support Service
2001 12

Weerdenberg, Katherine Van

Title Year Volume
Public health approaches to improved road safety 1992 3

Weidenhofer, Robert

Title Year Volume
Fluoride: benefits far outweigh the risks 1993 4

Weir, Kylie M

Title Year Volume
The Greater Southern Area Health Service Tobacco Control Plan 2006-2009 2008 19

Weisberg, Edith

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Human Papilloma Virus 2007 18

Wells, Venessa L

Title Year Volume
An equity-focussed social impact assessment of the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy 2007 18

Wen, Li Ming

Title Year Volume
Community involvement and self-rated health status: findings from a cross-sectional survey in
Central Sydney
2003 14

Wensley, Michelle

Title Year Volume
What’s new on the CIAP website 2001 12
NSW Health clinical information access program 2000 11

Westbrook, Johanna I

Title Year Volume
A web log analysis of the online NSW Public Health Bulletin for 2001–2003 2006 17
Investigating a suspected outbreak 1993 4
What is the difference between quality assurance and health outcomes? 1993 4
Quality and population 1993 4

Westbury, Harvey

Title Year Volume
Long incubation for rabies 1991 2

Westley-Wise, Victoria

Title Year Volume
Health of Aboriginal mothers and babies in NSW 1994 5
Investigating a reported scarlet fever outbreak 1991 2

Weston, Clare

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Antimicrobial resistance: moving forward to the past 2012 23

Weston, Kathryn M

Title Year Volume
An influenza prophylaxis clinic in a primary school: 24 hours from notification to protection 2010 21

Weston, Richard J

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Chronic and infectious diseases in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples
2008 19

Wheeler, Liz

Title Year Volume
NSW Health Aboriginal Health Impact Statement 2005 16

White, Des

Title Year Volume
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10

Whitecross, Pete

Title Year Volume
Safety-First in Ryde 1999 10
Jarman 8: an index of social disadvantage 1992 3

Whitehead, Andrew

Title Year Volume
The Healthy Built Environments Program: a joint initiative of the NSW Department of Health and
the University of NSW
2010 21

Whybin, L Ross

Title Year Volume
Improving the quality of HIV data 1994 5

Widmer, Richard P

Title Year Volume
Oral health and life skills in society 1999 10

Wiggers, John H

Title Year Volume
Provision of smoking care in NSW hospitals: opportunities for further enhancement 2008 19
Reducing alcohol-related violence and improving community safety: the Alcohol Linking Program 2007 18
Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients 2004 15

Wilkinson, Chris

Title Year Volume
Immunisation status of two-year-old children in the Hunter area 1996 7

Williams, Chris

Title Year Volume
A new health risk for children? 1999 10

Williams, John

Title Year Volume
Does intradermal hepatitis B vaccine work? 1991 2

Williams, Katrina

Title Year Volume
Cochrane Collaboration—child health field 1998 9

Williams, Liz

Title Year Volume
Records to make Aboriginality count 1991 2

Williams, Mandy

Title Year Volume
Mental health promotion in NSW: conceptual framework for developing initiatives 1998 9

Williams, Vladimir

Title Year Volume
The Aboriginal Men’s Health Implementation Plan 2001 12

Williamson, Ann

Title Year Volume
A brief overview of injury in NSW 2002 13
NSW Injury Risk Management Research Centre 2002 13
Patterns of drowning and near drowning in NSW 2002 13

Williamson, Margaret

Title Year Volume
Prevalence and management of diabetes in NSW: is care adhering to the clinical guidelines? 2001 12
Getting population health research to influence health service practice: use of area health service
questions in the NSW Health Survey
2001 12
Development of the NSW Child Health Survey 2000 11
1999 NSW Older People’s Health Survey: an opportunity to monitor the health and wellbeing of older
people in the community
1999 10
Investing to improve the outcomes of diabetes care 1995 6
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
Incorporating evidence into clinical guidelines for the management of diabetes 1995 6
Investigating health risks from riverine blooms of blue green algae 1993 4
Gastroenteritis related to food and/or beach bathing 1993 4

Willie-Stephens, Jenny

Title Year Volume
Public and private dental services in NSW: a geographic information system analysis of access to care for
7 million Australians
2014 24

Willison, Richard

Title Year Volume
The Hunter-Illawarra study of airways and air pollution: refining the process 1995 6

Willmore, Alan

Title Year Volume
Automated geocoding of routinely collected health data in NSW 2006 17

Wilson, Andrew

Title Year Volume
Capacity building for public health: a statewide perspective 2000 11
Healthy People 2005: New Directions for Public Health in NSW 2000 11
Public health in NSW from this decade to 2010 1999 10
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6

Wilson, Geraldine

Title Year Volume
Working towards a 10-Year Aboriginal Health Plan: the Centre for Aboriginal Health initiatives 2012 23
NSW Aboriginal Health Promotion Program: lessons learned and ways forward 2012 23
The Chronic Care Service Enhancement Program 2012 23
Responding to family violence in Aboriginal communities: The NSW Aboriginal Family Health Strategy 2012 23

Winks, Meg

Title Year Volume
Tuberculosis in NSW: status and priorities 1996 7

Wise, Marilyn

Title Year Volume
Taking responsibility to address inequalities in health 2001 12
Building capacity for public health 2000 11
Health Australia 1996 7

Wise, Victoria

Title Year Volume
Investigation of an outbreak of gastroenteritis 1992 3

Wlodarczyk, John

Title Year Volume
Measuring the amount of lead in indoor dust: long-term dust-fall accumulation in petri dishes
(a pilot study)
1997 8
Assessing the impact of a new motorway on children's blood lead levels 1995 6
Epidemic asthma surveillance in the New England region 1990-1992 1993 4

Wodak, Alex

Title Year Volume
The effectiveness of harm reduction in preventing HIV among injecting drug users 2010 21

Wolfenden, Kevin

Title Year Volume
What's new in injury surveillance 1993 4

Wolfenden, Luke

Title Year Volume
Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients 2004 15

Wong, Angela

Title Year Volume
Value of a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for Norwalk-like viruses in the
investigation of institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks
1999 10

Wood, Nicholas J

Title Year Volume
Influenza vaccine program at three tertiary paediatric hospitals in NSW in 2010 2011 22
The role of the Immunisation Adverse Events Clinic at The Children's Hospital at Westmead 2010 21
Immunisation adverse events clinics 2003 14

Woods, Brian

Title Year Volume
Healthy Ears, Happy Kids: a new approach to Aboriginal child ear health in NSW 2012 23

Woods, Michael

Title Year Volume
Men’s use of general practitioner services 2001 12

Wooler, Kelvin

Title Year Volume
News and comment - WorkCover Authorised Medical Practitioner Network 1992 3

Worgan, Ruth E

Title Year Volume
Research evidence can successfully inform policy and practice: insights from the development of the
NSW Health Breastfeeding Polic
2008 19

Wozniak, Teresa M

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Hepatitis B 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - The plague: not just an historical curiosity 2010 21

Wraith, Caroline

Title Year Volume
Child health policy in NSW: building on a century of care 2000 11
Child health now! The state of children’s health: historical contexts and current developments 1998 9
Working together to support children and families in disadvantaged communities 1998 9

Wright, David

Title Year Volume
Evidence-based oral health planning 1999 10

Wright, F A Clive

Title Year Volume
Utilisation of the Medicare Teen Dental Plan in NSW, 2008-2010 2012 23
Improved oral health information for NSW 2009 20
Oral health: Welsh Health Evidence Bulletin 1999 10

Wright, Therese M

Title Year Volume
Hendra virus: what do we know? 2011 22

Wutzke, Sonia

Title Year Volume
The 45 and Up Study: fostering population health research in NSW 2011 22

Wyland, M

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5

Wyndham, Amy

Title Year Volume
Delivering smoking cessation information in the workplace using Quit Online 2005 16
Current as at: Tuesday 29 July 2014