Author index - C

Cadet-James, Yvonne L

Title Year Volume
Mind, body, spirit: co-benefits for mental health from climate change adaptation and caring for country in remote Aboriginal Australian communities 2010 21

Cains, Toni

Title Year Volume
Compliance with sharps waste standards by a sample of Sydney acupuncture premises 2011 22

Camit, Michael

Title Year Volume
A smoke alarm campaign in Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese communities 1999 10

Campbell, Brett

Title Year Volume
An outbreak of Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis in an aged-care residential hostel 2003 14

Campbell, Danielle

Title Year Volume
Getting a ‘GRIPP’ on the research–policy interface in NSW 2005 16
An ‘evidence check’ system for facilitating evidence-informed health policy 2005 16

Campbell, Elizabeth M

Title Year Volume
Provision of smoking care in NSW hospitals: opportunities for further enhancement 2008 19
Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients 2004 15

Campbell, Patricia

Title Year Volume
The seroepidemiology of pertussis in NSW: fluctuating immunity profiles related to changes in vaccination schedules 2011 22

Campbell-Lloyd, Sue

Title Year Volume
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2010 2011 22
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2010 2011 22
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza vaccine roll-out in NSW 2010 21
The NSW Immunisation Strategy 2008-2011: how are we doing? 2010 21
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2009 2010 21
NSW Annual Adverse Events Following Immunisation Report, 2009 2010 21
School-based vaccination in NSW 2010 21
The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW 2009 20
EpiReview – Pertussis in NSW, 1993-2005: the impact of vaccination policy on pertussis epidemiology 2007 18
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Varicella zoster 2005 16
Monitoring adverse events following immunisation 2003 14
EpiReview – Notifications of Q fever in NSW, 1991–2000 2001 12
Hepatitis B: where are we now? 2000 11

Cannata, Santo

Title Year Volume
Infection control and hygiene practices in skin penetration businesses 1998 9
Impact of Sydney's deepwater ocean outfalls on Garie Beach 1994 5
Survey of contaminated waste disposal practices 1993 4
Display of tobacco sales warning signs 1993 4

Capon, Adam

Title Year Volume
Navigating public health chemicals policy in Australia: a policy maker's and practitioner's guide 2012 23
Trends in notifiable blood lead levels in NSW, 1998-2008 2012 23
Constructing a database of development applications considered by public health units in NSW 2005 16
A large outbreak of Norovirus gastroentertitis linked to a catering company, NSW, October 2003 2004 15

Capon, Anthony G

Title Year Volume
Environmentally sustainable health care: using an educational intervention to engage the public health medical workforce in Australia 2013 24
Chronic disease and climate change: understanding co-benefits and their policy implications 2010 21
The Healthy Built Environments Program: a joint initiative of the NSW Department of Health and the University of NSW 2010 21
Climate change: an emerging health issue 2009 20
Urbanism, climate change and health: systems approaches to governance 2009 20
Healthy, just and eco-sensitive cities: moving forward 2007 18
Creating healthy, just and eco-sensitive cities 2007 18
Checklist for healthy and sustainable communities 2007 18
Health impacts of urban development: key considerations 2007 18
Rubella outbreak in western Sydney, spring 1995: implications for rubella surveillance and control 1996 7
Tuberculosis in NSW: status and priorities 1996 7
Telephone methodology for community surveys 1993 4
What's new in injury surveillance 1993 4
Investigation of hepatitis A cases in a single street 1993 4

Cardona, Magnolia

Title Year Volume
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
Hepatitis B in a child without known risk factors 1994 5

Carey, Marion

Title Year Volume
Air quality and chronic disease: why action on climate change is also good for health 2010 21

Carey, Victor

Title Year Volume
Review of public health advice about ticks 2004 15
Head injuries in infants: a closer look at baby-walkers, stairs and nursery furniture 1999 10
Firearm injuries in NSW 1991 2

Carlisle, Rachel

Title Year Volume
Healthy by Design: an innovative planning tool for the development of safe, accessible and attractive environments 2007 18

Carr, Bridie

Title Year Volume
Evidence, effectiveness and efficiency in breast cancer research 2000 11

Carr, Chris

Title Year Volume
The changing epidemiology of pertussis in the Hunter New England area and potential implications for the immunisation schedule 2006 17

Carroll, Therese F

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the BulletinSalmonella: pits and pets 2009 20

Carter, Ian W

Title Year Volume
Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW 2006 17

Carter, Stacy M

Title Year Volume
Public health ethics: informing better public health practice 2012 23
Doing good qualitative research in public health: not as easy as it looks 2009 20

Carvan, Terry

Title Year Volume
An extended outbreak of hepatitis A 1997 8
Outbreak of Ross River virus disease in the south west districts of NSW, summer 1993 1994 5

Cashman, Patrick M

Title Year Volume
Aboriginal identification in Hunter New England infants 2011 22
Influenza immunisation program at three tertiary paediatric hospitals in NSW in 2010 2011 22

Cashmore, Aaron W

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pertussis in NSW and its prevention in infants and children 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Dental caries in children 2010 21

Cass, Alan

Title Year Volume
The relationship between the incidence of end-stage renal disease and markers of socioeconomic disadvantage 2002 13

Cassaniti, Maria

Title Year Volume
Multicultural Family Help Kit 2000 11

Castell, Sally

Title Year Volume
Staying Active—Staying Safe: development of a physical activity and falls prevention resource for older people who dwell in the community 2002 13

Catchatoor, Helen

Title Year Volume
Building the evidence base to address health inequalities 2002 13

Cavagnino, Peter

Title Year Volume
Investigation of suspected copper intoxication in children from drinking water 1995 6
Prevention of legionella in hospital water 1992 3

Champion, Rafe

Title Year Volume
May 1999 NSW Drug Summit 2003 14

Chant, Kerry

Title Year Volume
Preparing for the next influenza pandemic: a NSW perspective 2006 17
The Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit 1994 5
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5
Overseas travel health seminar 1993 4
Public health response to a suspected case of Lassa fever 1993 4
A cluster of meningococcal cases in Campbelltown 1992 3
Meningitis surveillance 1991 1992 3

Chapman, Simon

Title Year Volume
Obituary - Sir Richard Doll 1912–2005 2005 16
Tobacco control in Australia: victims of our past success? 2004 15
Reducing tobacco consumption 2003 14
The decline in gun deaths 2003 14

Charlesworth, Kate E

Title Year Volume
Environmentally sustainable health care: using an educational intervention to engage the public health medical workforce in Australia 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Diagnosis, investigation and management of tuberculosis at an Australian zoo 2013 24
Developing an environmentally sustainable NHS: outcomes of implementing an educational intervention on sustainable health care with UK public health registrars 2012 23

Chavez, Roberta V

Title Year Volume
Strengthening the effectiveness of 'whole of government' interventions to break the cycle of violence in disadvantaged communities 2007 18

Chen, Sharon C A

Title Year Volume
Diagnostic and typing methods for investigating Legionella infection 2009 20
Using Australian cryptococcal surveillance data to improve AIDS surveillance in NSW 1996 7

Chen, Ying

Title Year Volume
Socioeconomic differentials in life expectancy and years of life lost in Victoria, 1992–1996 2001 12

Chesher, Terry

Title Year Volume
Developing innovative strategies for multicultural communication 2000 11

Chey, Tien

Title Year Volume
Telephone methodology for community surveys 1993 4

Chiew, Robert

Title Year Volume
Salmonella typing in NSW: current methods and application of improved epidemiological tools 2008 19

Child, Andrew

Title Year Volume
Investigation of patients potentially exposed to an HIV-infected health care worker 1994 5

Chipps, Jennifer

Title Year Volume
The Mental Health Outcomes and Assessment Tools Training Project: creating the foundation for improved quality of care 2002 13
Suicide in New South Wales: the NSW Suicide Data Report 2001 12
Suicide mortality in NSW local government areas 1996 7
Suicide attempts in NSW: associated mortality and morbidity 1996 7
Suicide mortality in NSW: geographical variations 1995 6
Suicide mortality in NSW: an introduction to clinical audits 1995 6
Suicide mortality in NSW: clients of mental health services 1995 6

Chiu, Clayton K

Title Year Volume
A review of the efficacy of human Q fever vaccine registered in Australia 2007 18

Chow, Cissy

Title Year Volume
Long day care centre immunisation rates in western Sydney 1996 7
Hepatitis B in a child without known risk factors 1994 5

Chow, Maria Y

Title Year Volume
Making influenza vaccination mandatory for health care workers: the views of NSW Health administrators and clinical leaders 2010 21

Christen, Peter

Title Year Volume
Automated geocoding of routinely collected health data in NSW 2006 17

Christensen, Amanda J

Title Year Volume
Tuberculosis, public health and gathering new evidence to guide control efforts 2013 24
EpiReview - Tuberculosis in NSW, 2009-2011 2013 24
Tuberculosis: an old world disease providing new world challenges in NSW 2013 24
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 2008 2010 21
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 2003-2007 2009 20
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 1991–2002 2004 15
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 1991–2000 2002 13
Tuberculosis in NSW correctional centres: disease control measures following infectious cases 1996 7

Christie, Linda

Title Year Volume
Childhood injury surveillance: the value of emergency department data 1999 10

Christopher, Peter

Title Year Volume
Does intradermal hepatitis B vaccine work? 1991 2
Blue-green algae hit Lake Cargelligo 1991 2

Christopher, Simone

Title Year Volume
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19

Church, Jody

Title Year        Volume An economic evaluation of community and residential aged care falls prevention strategies in NSW 2011 22

Churches, Tim

Title Year Volume
Reflections on public health surveillance of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW 2010 21
Automated geocoding of routinely collected health data in NSW 2006 17
Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW 2006 17
Using record linkage to measure trends in breast cancer surgery 2001 12
Health surveillance at Olympic venues: the Medical Encounter Reporting System 2000 11
The making of the Chief Health Officer’s Report, 2000 2000 11
Hospital-related mortality in NSW: preliminary results 1994 5
Vitamin K prophylaxis in newborn infants 1993 4
Asthma and air pollution in Sydney 1991 2

Clapperton, Angela J

Title Year Volume
The cost of fall-related injuries among older people in NSW, 2006-07 2011 22

Clarke, Lyn

Title Year Volume
Partnership of rural services to achieve improved health outcomes 1993 4

Clayton, Stevie

Title Year Volume
Public health law, human rights and HIV: a work in progress 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Responding to the challenges of HIV prevention in NSW 2008 19

Cleary, Matthew

Title Year Volume Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Rapid health assessments 2012 23

Close, Glenn

Title Year Volume
A link in the chain of survival: NSW ambulance response to chest pain 1996 7
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
What's new in injury surveillance 1993 4
Apparent outbreak of gastrointestinal disease 1991 2

Close, Jacqueline CT

Title Year Volume
Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations 2011 22

Coates, Marylon

Title Year Volume
Cancer in NSW: incidence and mortality 1997 2001 12
Cancer in NSW: incidence and mortality 1996 1999 10
Cancer in NSW: incidence and mortality 1995 1998 9

Coghlan, Margaret

Title Year Volume
Keeping the elderly covered 1991 2

Coghlan, Rebecca

Title Year Volume
Health inequalities and the health needs of people with mental illness 2002 13

Colagiuri, Ruth

Title Year Volume
Investing to improve the outcomes of diabetes care 1995 6
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6

Collins, David

Title Year Volume
The social costs of smoking in Australia 2004 15

Comino, Elizabeth

Title Year Volume
Improving the health and life chances of women in disadvantaged communities 2000 11

Conaty, Stephen J

Title Year Volume
Detention to prevent transmission of tuberculosis: a proportionate public health response? 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tuberculosis 2012 23
Reflections on public health surveillance of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW 2010 21
Tuberculosis in NSW correctional centres: disease control measures following infectious cases 1996 7

Connolly, Anne

Title Year Volume
From community attitudes to community action: opposing domestic violence 1999 10

Cook, Jane

Title Year Volume
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2010 2011 22

Cook, Nicole F

Title Year Volume
Costs of a contact screening activity in a neonatal intensive care unit 2013 24

Cook, Stephanie

Title Year Volume
Opiate overdose and health treatment options for opiate users in New South Wales, 1999–2002 2004 15

Coolahan, Leone M

Title Year Volume
Winter sports injuries 1994 5
Epidemiology of suicide and attempted suicide in the South Eastern Region 1992 3

Coombs, Tim

Title Year Volume
The Mental Health Outcomes and Assessment Tools Training Project: creating the foundation for improved quality of care 2002 13

Cooper, Chris

Title Year Volume
Infection control in general practice, 1994 and 1995 1998 9
Benefits of general practice sentinel surveillance networks 1992 3

Cooper, David A

Title Year Volume
Clinical research in NSW: its role in HIV care and prevention 2010 21

Cooper, Lyn

Title Year Volume
Program budgeting and marginal analysis in NSW 1997 8

Cooper Robbins, Spring C

Title Year Volume
Making influenza vaccination mandatory for health care workers: the views of NSW Health administrators and clinical leaders 2010 21

Copeland, Kate J

Title Year Volume
Health and social impact assessment of the South East Queensland Regional Plan (2005-2026) 2007 18

Corben, Paul

Title Year Volume
Lessons from a respiratory illness outbreak in an aged-care facility 2008 19
Readmissions to hospital: an indicator of quality of care before and during the waiting list reduction program 1998 9
Hospital-related mortality in NSW: preliminary results 1994 5
Hospital-related mortality in NSW: preliminary risk-adjustment 1994 5

Corbett, Stephen J

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – The plague: not just an historical curiosity 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Hepatitis A: Wallis Lake revisited 2009 20
Regulation and regulatory effectiveness in public health 2008 19
Environmental health risk assessment of nickel contamination of drinking water in a country town in NSW 2008 19
Public health and regulation of the built environment 2008 19
Channelling Edwin Chadwick: beyond utopian thinking in urban planning policy and health 2007 18
The art of the possible: experience and practice in health impact assessment in NSW 2005 16
Unwanted guests: the miseries, the dangers and the glorious future of biting insects and vectorborne diseases in NSW 2004 15
Quantitative health risk assessment 2003 14
A statewide ‘outbreak’ of asthma in NSW, February 1999 2000 11
Surveillance of rural drinking water quality in NSW 1994 5
Malignant mesothelioma and asbestos exposure in NSW 1994 5
Investigating health risks from riverine blooms of blue green algae 1993 4
Fluoride: benefits far outweigh the risks 1993 4
Epidemic asthma surveillance in the New England region 1990-1992 1993 4
A clever country - the health benefits of removing lead from petrol 1993 4
Asthma and air pollution in Sydney 1991 2
Tackling childhood lead poisoning 1991 2
Nitrates in bore water: cause of health problems in a family? 1991 2

Cordery, Damien V

Title Year Volume
Clinical research in NSW: its role in HIV care and prevention 2010 21

Corne, Shauna

Title Year Volume
Councils, commitment, opportunity and relationships: how they combine to promote physical activity 1997 8

Corner, Hanisah L

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Rotavirus 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Syphilis 2009 20

Correll, Patricia K

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis B immunisation in children aged 10–13 years in New South Wales, 2001 2003 14
Post-exposure prophylaxis for non-occupational exposure to HIV: experience in NSW one year after the introduction of the guidelines 2000 11

Cossart, Yvonne

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis C - progress at last 1990 1

Cotter, Trish

Title Year Volume
Knowledge and beliefs about alcohol consumption, longer-term health risks, and the link with cancer in a sample of Australian adults 2013 24
Smokers respond to anti-tobacco mass media campaigns in NSW by calling the Quitline 2008 19

Couldwell, Deborah L

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Syphilis 2009 20

Coutts, Trudi

Title Year Volume
Survey of contaminated waste disposal practices 1993 4

Cowie, Christine

Title Year Volume
Taking the plunge: recreational water quality guidelines 2003 14
Surveillance of rural drinking water quality in NSW 1994 5
Gastroenteritis related to food and/or beach bathing 1993 4
A clever country - the health benefits of removing lead from petrol 1993 4

Cox, Marcela

Title Year Volume
Infection control in general practice, 1994 and 1995 1998 9

Cozens, Paul

Title Year Volume
Public health and the potential benefits of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 2007 18

Craig, Adam T

Title Year Volume
Investigation of equine influenza transmission in NSW: walk, wind or wing? 2009 20
Audit of post-exposure treatment to prevent lyssavirus infection in Sydney South West Area Health Service, 2005-2007 2009 20
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Climate change and infectious diseases 2007 18

Crawford, Belinda

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - One Health and Hendra virus: a collaborative approach in action 2012 23

Crawford, David

Title Year Volume
The NSW Men’s Health Information and Resource Centre 2001 12

Craythorn, Emma

Title Year Volume
Creating supportive environments for physical activity 1997 8

Cretikos, Michelle A

Title Year Volume
The health of Hunter Valley communities in proximity to coal mining and power generation, general practice data, 1998-2010 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Rapid health assessments 2012 23
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW: an overview of the public health response 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tuberculosis 2009 20
Ensuring safe drinking water in regional NSW: the role of regulation 2008 19
Enteric disease outbreak reporting, NSW, Australia, 2000 to 2005 2008 19
Evaluation of the system of surveillance for enteric disease outbreaks, NSW, Australia, 2000 to 2005 2008 19
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis 2006 17
Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW 2006 17

Cristine, Linda

Title Year Volume
Capacity building grant incentive scheme: putting the latest capacity building indicator research into practice 2000 11

Crofts, Nick

Title Year Volume
News and comment - Discussion on hepatitis C 1993 4

Crone, Stephen

Title Year Volume
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10
School entry immunisation certificates in south western Sydney, 1995 1996 7
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5

Crosby, Justin

Title Year Volume
Farm-related injury in NSW: information for prevention 2002 13

Crossing, Sally

Title Year Volume
A consumer-initiated survey of women’s experiences of breast cancer services in NSW 2003 14

Cumming, Robert

Title Year Volume
Poor vision and risk of falls and fractures in older Australians: the Blue Mountains Eye Study 2002 13

Cunningham, Anthony L

Title Year Volume
Influenza immunisation for health care workers 1993 4
Long incubation for rabies 1991 2
Influenza monitoring 1990 1

Cunningham, Joan

Title Year Volume
The relationship between the incidence of end-stage renal disease and markers of socioeconomic disadvantage 2002 13
The health and welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 1999 1999 10

Curson, Peter

Title Year Volume
An Australian perspective of the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic 2006 17
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Outbreaks: the past, present and future 2005 16
Current as at: Wednesday 23 July 2014