Author index - A

ALSWH Research Team

Title Year Volume
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health: study design and sample 2000 11
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health: selected early findings and future research objectives for the main cohorts 2000 11

Adams, Denise

Title Year Volume
Heart disease screening 1990 1

Adams, Nicholas

Title Year Volume
Diagnostic and typing ​methods for investigating Legionella infection 2009 20

Adamson, Sheena

Title Year Volume
One Health in NSW: coordination of human and animal health sector management of zoonoses of public health significance 2011 22
Lessons from the NSW laboratory response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza 2010 21

Adelson, Pamela

Title Year Volume
Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in NSW: impact of health education campaigns 1994 5
The NSW Midwives Data Collection 1990 1992 3
Apparent clusters of unexplained infant deaths 1991 2

Akre, Snehal P

Title Year Volume
Guarding against an HIV epidemic within an Aboriginal community and cultural framework: lessons from NSW 2010 21

Alam, Noore

Title Year Volume
Environmental health risk ​assessment of nickel contamination of drinking water in a country town in NSW 2008 19

Albany, Pam

Title Year Volume
The delivery of poisons information in Australia: national meeting July 30 1999 10

Albera, Greta

Title Year Volume
Reflections on the beginnings of infection control in NSW 1994 5

Aldrich, Rosemary

Title Year Volume
Building an equity focus in health impact assessment 2005 16
Measuring the amount of lead in indoor dust: long-term dust-fall accumulation in petri dishes (a pilot study) 1997 8
Assessing the impact of a new motorway on children's blood lead levels 1995 6
Notifications study reveals discrepancies 1992 3

Algert, Charles S

Title Year Volume
Periodontal infection and preterm birth: how strong is the evidence? 1999 10

Allan, Natalie

Title Year Volume
Aboriginal identification in Hunter New England infants 2011 22

Allchin, Lisa

Title Year Volume
Ross River virus in Western Sydney: a serological survey 2003 14

Allen, Jane

Title Year Volume
Benefits of breastfeeding 2005 16

Al-Murieb, Ala'a

Title Year Volume
Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health Service, NSW 2008 19
Pertussis outbreaks in aged-care facilities [letter] 2009 20

Alperstein, Garth

Title Year Volume
The development and implementation of a strategic framework to improve Aboriginal child development and wellbeing in far west NSW: a collaborative approach 2012 23
Can the Families First initiative contribute to reducing health inequalities? 2002 13
Development of a child and youth health report card for central Sydney, 2000 2001 12
Directions for child health in the 21st century 2000 11
Improving the health of children in NSW 1998 9
Monitoring child health 1998 9
Strategies to achieve health gains for children 1998 9
Health gain for the children and youth of Central Sydney: a strategic plan 1998 9
Efficacy of interventions: an evidence-based approach 1998 9
Child health: key programs and strategies to achieve health gains 1998 9
Prioritisation of health issues and strategies to improve child health 1998 9
Key initiatives to achieve health gain for children 1998 9
Swimming pools in NSW: do we know how dangerous they are? 1998 9
Local government areas and rate of serious immersions of toddlers [letter] 1996 7
Lead - where are we now and where to from here? 1995 6

Ampt, Amanda J​

Title Year Volume
Are pregnancy outcomes associated with risk factor reporting in routinely collected perinatal data? 2013​ ​24

Andresen, David

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Antimicrobial resistance: moving forward to the past 2012 23

Ansari, Guncha

Title Year Volume
Suicide in New South Wales: the NSW Suicide Data Report 2001 12

Archer, John W

Title Year Volume
Drinking water quality - a health perspective 1994 5

Aristides, Mike

Title Year Volume
Medical retrievals to tertiary referral centres in Sydney 1992 3

Armstrong, Bruce K

Title Year Volume
Cancer prevention by diet and exercise 2001 12
The future is now—new and better cancer information in NSW 2001 12
Towards a clinical cancer information system 2001 12
Measuring the performance of cancer services 2001 12
Working out what to measure: melanoma services 2001 12
Cancer in NSW: incidence and mortality 1996 1999 10
Cancer in NSW: incidence and mortality 1995 1998 9

Armstrong, Margaret

Title Year Volume
Staying Active—Staying Safe: development of a physical activity and falls prevention resource for older people who dwell in the community 2002 13

Armstrong, Paul K

Title Year Volume
Lessons from the NSW laboratory response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Equine influenza 2009 20
An introduction to avian and pandemic influenza 2006 17
Preparing for the next influenza pandemic: a NSW perspective 2006 17
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pandemic influenza preparedness 2006 17

Arora, Amit

Title Year Volume
Dental caries in children: a comparison of one non-fluoridated and two fluoridated communities in NSW 2010 21

Arzey, George

Title Year Volume
The risk of avian influenza in birds in Australia 2006 17

Ashwell, Margaret

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis A outbreak associated with a Mothers’ Day ‘yum cha’ meal, Sydney, 1997 2004 15
The 1998 measles control campaign in NSW 1999 7
Normal immunoglobulin (human): indications and safety 1997 8

Atkinson, Stephen

Title Year Volume
Developing an Aboriginal Health Plan for NSW: the consultation process 2012 23

Atyeo, Paul

Title Year Volume
Health surveys conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001 12

Awofeso, Niyi

Title Year Volume
Globalisation and health [letter] 2002 13
Managing a tobacco control program in NSW correctional centres, 1999–2001 2001 12

Ayres, Dianne

Title Year Volume
NSW Health clinical information access program 2000 11

Ayyar, Aarthi

Title Year Volume
Risk factors for sporadic Salmonella Birkenhead infection in Queensland and northern NSW: a case control study 2004 15
Current as at: Tuesday 29 July 2014