Text alternative: Toothsmart - Tips to stop sweet drinks

Sweet drinks, including all fruit juices, cordials, soft drinks, sports drinks and flavoured milks, can cause tooth decay.

Tips to reduce sweet drinks

  • Only give sweet drinks at meal times.
  • Use an extra small cup and fill with lots of ice.
  • Dilute juice and cordial with extra water.
  • Have a jug of tap water available at meal and play times.
  • Take a bottle of tap water when you leave the house to avoid buying drinks later.

How to make water more interesting

  • Use fun shaped ice cubes.
  • Add a thin slice of lemon to ice cubes before freezing.
  • Use coloured and spiral straws.
  • Decorate the rim of cups with mini ‘cocktail’ umbrellas and slices of fruit.
  • Use fun cups such as those you can decorate and colour-in (but never put sweet drinks in the fun cups, save them for water only!)

* Developed by Western Sydney Local Health District. Sponsored by the Centre for Oral Health Strategy NSW
