Text alternative: Betel nut and oral cancer

What is betel nut?

  • Betel nut, also known as areca nut, is the seed of the fruit areca palm.
  • Chewing betel nut is a common cultural and social practice in Asia and the Pacific.
  • It is a highly addictive substance.
  • Betel nut use can cause oral cancer.

What are betel nut products?

Betel nut can be used alone or in a mixture of ingredients called ‘betel quid’. Betel quid is made up of betel leaf, betel nut, and slaked lime, and it is commonly mixed with tobacco. It may be self-prepared with the betel leaf or commercially available in tins or sachets, which are known as paan/supari, bin lang, puwak, and buai/daka.

How do I reduce my risk of oral cancer and improve my oral health?

  • Stop the use of betel nut products.
  • Do not smoke, vape, or use tobacco products, and limit alcohol intake.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss your teeth daily.
  • Get regular dental checks every 6 to 12 months.

Signs and symptoms of oral cancer

  • A red, white, or black patch in the mouth.
  • A lump in the mouth, neck, or face.
  • An ulcer (a break on surface lining).
  • Any abnormality that bleeds easily when touched.
  • sPain or difficulty swallowing, speaking, chewing, or moving the jaw or tongue.
  • Soreness in the throat or mouth.
  • Numbness in the mouth or face.
  • Any of the above symptoms that continue for more than three weeks.

Who can I get help from?

Speak to your dental practitioner or doctor about any teeth and mouth problems. They can:

  • Identify early signs of cancer.
  • Help you establish an oral hygiene routine to take care of your teeth.
  • Provide advice on risk factors and managing symptoms.
  • Assist with referrals to specialists.

Accessing dental care

  • Visit your dental practitioner or contact your health fund for further information.
  • Find a private dentist at ADA - Find a Dentist.
  • Free dental care is available in public dental clinics for eligible people.

Cancer information and support

Free and confidential

Cancer Council
Call 13 11 20

Current as at: Sunday 26 November 2023