30 Day Writing Challenge(NBMLHD)
Beyond the red line - changing the learning ecosystem to promote perioperative specialisation in novice nurses(WSLHD)
Building Safe Resilient Clinicians(CCLHD)
Challenging the status quo: doing things differently through appreciative inquiry(NBMLHD)
Changing the delivery of staff education in the Yaralla Unit(WSLHD)
'Closing the Gap' within our Aboriginal team(SWSLHD)
Code Blue Debriefs Work(SESLHD)
Contemporary Pregnancy and Parenting Resources(SESLHD)
Day Hospital Co-Design Project(HNELHD)
Determining the Best Practice for the Application and Integration of the Clinical Procedure Safety Checklist(SCHN)
Ditch the bad bug- reducing new acquisitions of VRE in a large tertiary Intensive Care Unit (ICU): Results of a quality improvement project(WSLHD)
Engaging staff to improve patient outcomes(HNELHD)
Enhancing the Professional Development for our Enrolled Nurses(SESLHD)
FOBT Clinic-Introduction a nurse-led, streamlined bowel cancer screening service(WSLHD)
From falls to a garden(MLHD)
Growing Strong in Critical Care Medicine(SESLHD)
“Hang on a minute, pass me back the phone - she’s having a contraction”: Midwives’ experiences of using healthcare interpreters when providing maternity care.(SWSLHD)
Implementation of a rehabilitative bedside clinical handover in an inpatient rehabilitation setting(NSLHD)
Improved self-management in clients enrolled in the Aboriginal Chronic Care Program (ACCP) at Budyari Community Health Centre, Miller NSW(SWSLHD)
Improving communication to engage people with dementia(NNSWLHD)
Improving Patient and Staff experience through the delivery of compassionate, quality , safe, evidence based person centred care in the Bankstown Child and Family Health Team(SWSLHD)
Improving patient experience through the delivery of a person-centred telehealth program in Wollondilly(SWSLHD)
Influencing Culture Change: Using the principles of person centred care(SNSWLHD)
Knowledge is the way forward: Lighthouse Project(SWSLHD)
Management of Constipation in the oncology setting - Constipation Risk Assessment Tool (CRAT)(HNELHD)
Maternity in the Operating Theatre: Bringing baby EarthSIDE(NBMLHD)
Multisensory Environments in Dementia Care at Garrawarra Centre(SESLHD)
Nurses' and midwives' knowledge of and preferences for using healthcare interpreters - a cross-sectional survey(SWSLHD)
Nurses knowledge, attitudes and confidence related to physiologically-deteriorating patients in mental health units: baseline findings from a mixed-methods study(SWSLHD)
Person Centred Care Program (PEEP)(SWSLHD)
Promoting person-centred care of the health professional of the future(SWSLHD)
Rehabilitation and Transitional Care Unit: Clinical Review by 2(NNSWLHD)
Retaining Registered Nurses Beyond the First Graduate Year(CCLHD)
Staff Knowledge and Adherence to Supplemental Oxygen Therapy Guidelines within an Acute Aged Care Setting(WSLHD)
Sustained High Prevalence of Diabetes in Hospital(SVHN)
The Family's Experience(SLHD)
The Renovated House Productive Ward(SESLHD)
The Triple ‘P’ project - Prioritisation of Patient Privacy in the Day Procedure Unit at Sydney Hospital/Sydney Eye Hospital(SESLHD)
The Sutherland Hospital Falls Prevention and Management Online Portal(SESLHD)
Using Patient and Carer Feedback to improve Patient Experience(SWSLHD)
Valuing our work family tree - Co creating unit values with multidisciplinary staff and highlighting the importance of incorporating them in our workplace(WSLHD)
Watching the WAVES - Welcome Aboard Video to Enhance Safety: Enabling and Empowering Consumer Engagement(SESLHD)
We care for people, not bed numbers(SESLHD)
Welcome to Wyong Hospital(CCLHD)
Wound Care Warrior Program(SESLHD)
Better Bedside Handover(SVHN)
Child consumer and parent's perspective of inpatient falls(SCHN)
Fun Scrubs = Bright Smiles(HNELHD)
Introduction of an Orientation and Education App for Nurses(SESLHD)
Leadership defined - You're more than a number(MNCLHD)
Preparing for our future is critical(MNCLHD)
Protected patient meal times and meal tables(NSLHD)
Residential Aged Care Facility Wound Service(NSLHD)
Team building enhances patient safety at Graythwaite Rehabilitation 5(NSLHD)
Wake-Sense: Make Sense - A proactive model of care(SLHD)