New funding to create mentally fit workplaces

08 December 2020

The NSW Government has announced 11 organisations will collectively receive more than $500,000 in grants for innovative ideas to help workplaces reduce the impact of mental health issues and to aid recovery.

Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said the Recovery Boost program, administered by the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), provides up to $50,000 in funding for projects that promote seeking assistance early, supporting an individual's recovery and reducing stigma around mental health.

"Workplaces play a pivotal role at the coal face in promoting mental fitness and these grants will empower them to provide staff with help and support when needed," Mr Dominello said.

"I congratulate the successful recipients who have proven their commitment to the mental health recovery journey."

Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said the grants would support employers to create and maintain an environment that promotes and encourages good mental health.

"Everyone in a workplace can contribute to a culture where people feel safe and supported to talk about mental health and these grants will help the recipients embed tailored support for individuals and teams," Mrs Taylor said.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects includes:

  • MATES in Construction:
    Stronger together in Regional NSW: Expanding the MATES in construction in regional communities
  • The NRMA:
    "We Carry You" Peer support program
  • Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU):
    Mates in Manufacturing – pilot and evaluation of a peer support mental health program tailored for the manufacturing industry
  • Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia:
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Vicarious Trauma (VT) Management Program
  • Westpac Helicopter Service:
    Mental Wellbeing in Emergency Services throughout the Employment Life Cycle
  • Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), NSW Health:
    Building Health leaders of the future: A mental health coaching pilot program
  • Souths Cares:
    Souths Cares Mental Health Initiative
  • Rumpus Skillshare Inc:
    LunchBreak: A 4-week program to build mental health skills and habits
  • Headline Productions:
    Mental Health literacy podcast
  • University of Sydney:
    LISTEN TO ME: a virtual platform that supports healthcare workers recovering from mental health
  • Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD), NSW Health:
    Development of an Emergency Department staff wellbeing framework and Code Black virtual reality training program