Review into seclusion, restraint and observation in the Illawarra for public consultation

04 August 2017

A panel of mental health experts, led by NSW Chief Psychiatrist Dr Murray Wright, will be visiting the Illawarra next week to seek feedback from community members who have had contact with acute mental health services in NSW hospitals.

Dr Wright said the consultation is part of a state-wide review of seclusion, restraint and observation practices at mental health units, ordered by the NSW Government.

“Residents of the Illawarra who want to have their say on this important topic will have a chance to share their views and experiences directly to the expert panel who are examining the practice of seclusion,” Dr Wright said.

The Illawarra’s consultation will be held at the Sage Hotel in Wollongong on Thursday, August 10 at 5pm. It is the second of 10 being conducted across the state.

“When Mental Health Minister Tanya Davies established the review to reduce the practice of seclusion and restraint in mental health services across NSW, she made it clear community consultation would play a key role,” Dr Wright said.

The review will examine multiple aspects of seclusion, restraint and observation practices including; legislation, policy, clinical governance and practice standards within mental health facilities.

The findings and recommendations from the independent review will be presented to the NSW Government later this year.

“The review team will also conduct site visits at NSW Health facilities across the state and meet with frontline staff to ensure their voices and experience are heard,” Dr Wright said.

If you cannot attend the consultation, written submissions can be lodged by mail or online until September 24, 2017.

For further information or to register please visit NSW Health or email