New Molong ambulance station site revealed

19 January 2017

Health Minister Jillian Skinner today announced the new Molong NSW Ambulance Station will be located at the town’s Multipurpose Service (MPS) site on King Street.

The existing ambulance station on Riddell Street will be replaced with a modern, fit- for-purpose station co-located at the new MPS with other newly-built health services, including aged care.

“The new station will provide our paramedics with first-class resources to meet the current and future emergency mobile care needs of the communities of Molong and surrounds,” Mrs Skinner said.

NSW Ambulance and Health Infrastructure will work with local paramedics to develop a design for the new station.

The new $2.5 million Molong Ambulance Station is part of the NSW Government’s

$122 million Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (RAIR) program. The RAIR program currently includes 17 locations across the state that will benefit from an upgraded, rebuilt or entirely new ambulance station.

The NSW Government is investing in purpose-built and modern NSW Ambulance stations to help our highly trained paramedics be in the right place at the right time.

Construction on the new ambulance station at Molong is expected to commence later this year. Molong’s MPS is due to be completed in late 2017.