NSW Government reforms have significantly increased the choices available to people facing the end of their lives, Health Minister Jillian Skinner told the Palliative Care NSW State Conference in Broken Hill today.
“When I became the Health Minister in 2011, palliative care was a neglected part of the health system. I am proud of what we have achieved in the last five years for those nearing the end of their life, their loved ones and carers,” Mrs Skinner said.
“So many lives have been enhanced by the reforms we have introduced and will continue to make, with a Palliative Care Advisory Working Group providing advice on strategic policy priorities and directions for palliative care across NSW beyond 2016.”
The NSW Government Plan to Increase Access to Palliative Care 2012-2016 is guiding the initiatives, which include:
Mrs Skinner congratulated the Far West Local Health District which has received a grant of $239,806 through the NSW Government’s new Translational Research Grants Scheme for a partnership project with Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health and two residential aged care facilities (Southern Cross Care in Broken Hill and Murray House in Wentworth).