Providing a safe environment for patients and staff is our highest priority.
Work is progressing well on implementing the Action Plan, developed by Mr Mike Wallace, a respected health operations manager, to improve cleaning services at Royal North Shore Hospital. The Plan was endorsed on Friday 4 May 2012 by all parties at the Industrial Relations Commission.
Royal North Shore published infection rates have been better than the national average over the past 18 months. The Clinical Excellence Commission will continue to provide its state role in supporting good infection control practices at RNSH and has agreed to be available to Mr Wallace, for expert advice on infection control and other clinical issues.
As recommended by the IRC on Friday 4 May 2012, a Workplace Consultative Group has now been established by Mr Wallace. The Group has already discussed the IRC Directions including progress on the Action Plan.
Following the first meeting today Group members agreed on:-
NSW Health continues to take all necessary measures to ensure contracted cleaning service standards are met.