HETI takes this opportunity to acknowledge the strong collaboration with Districts, Pillars and other Public Health Organisations. HETI greatly values the partnerships and expertise, without which the successful development of this module would not have been possible.
With special thanks to:
- Health Protection NSW
- HealthShare NSW
- Hunter New England Local Health District
- Northern NSW Local Health District
- Northern Sydney Local Health District
- South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
- South West Sydney Local Health District.
Copyright information
Published: November 2019.
© 2019 HETI (Health Education and Training Institute) NSW, Australia. All rights reserved.
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from HETI.
This module is covered by NSW Health’s Disclaimer policy. To view the policy, please visit:
Here is a list of relevant resources, policies, guidelines and fact sheets.
Essential resources:
Useful fact sheets:
Other resources:
Other policy directives:
Other guidelines:
Module overview
What is this module about?
This module helps OASV assessors correctly assess, screen, vaccinate, manage and record vaccination compliance. It also helps OASV assessors consistently apply the NSW Health policy:
The policy provides a framework for the assessment, screening and vaccination of healthcare workers, other clinical personnel and students. It aims to minimise the risk of transmission of vaccine preventable diseases.
Select References at the top of this screen to access the policy and other resources.
What are the learning outcomes of this module?
You will gain experience in applying the policy to eight cases. You will be responsible for assessing the compliance of healthcare workers, other clinical personnel and students. While in your work role, you may be responsible for assessing either staff or students, the underlying policy requirements apply in all contexts.
This module will help you to:
- communicate the quality of evidence required
- determine compliance status based on acceptable evidence
- guide people on how to obtain any outstanding requirements
- determine compliance with the requirements of the policy directive
- determine when to make someone tuberculosis (TB) compliant
- determine when to refer someone for TB screening or TB clinical review
- respond to questions about and resistance to requirements
- record requirements in ClinConnect or VaxLink.
How long will it take to finish this module?
It will take you approximately 50-60 minutes to finish this module. You do not need to complete it all in one session. When you exit the module, your progress will be saved and you can resume where you left off.
Using the module
How do I complete this module?
There are eight cases for you to complete in this module. We recommend that you complete each case in the order shown.
To successfully complete this module, you need to attempt the questions in each case. You only need to attempt each question. The correct answer is not required.
How do I move around this module?
From the Cases screen you can access any of the 8 cases.
Select a case to work through the information and questions within.
To progress through the information, you can either use:
your mouse scroll wheel to move down the page, or
the down arrow button on your keyboard.
Click Continue after answering each question. When the case is complete click Continue again to return to the Cases screen.
How do I view my progress in the module?
There are eight cases for you to complete in this module.
To view your progress:
- click the Menu button
- click the Cases topic. On the Cases page there is an indicator next to each case. Here you can see if a case is not started, in progress, or complete.
Alternatively, you can view your progress on the Menu. The menu will display ticks next to the topics you have completed already.
How do I save my progress and exit the module?
You can exit from the module at any time and your progress will be saved.
To exit the course, close the browser window. You will then be returned to My Health Learning.
More information
What should I do if I find a potential error in the content?
Contact your local health district or specialty health network My Health Learning administrator.
What should I do if I find an issue in the module?
Contact your local health district or specialty health network My Health Learning administrator.
Who was involved and consulted in creating this module?
HETI takes this opportunity to acknowledge the strong collaboration with Districts, Pillars and other Public Health Organisations. HETI greatly values the partnerships and expertise, without which the successful development of this module would not have been possible.
With special thanks to:
- Health Protection NSW
- HealthShare NSW
- Hunter New England Local Health District
- Northern NSW Local Health District
- Northern Sydney Local Health District
- South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
- South West Sydney Local Health District.
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