The role of Tuberculosis (TB) Services is to implement specialised TB prevention and control activities across all NSW local heath districts and specialty networks. This includes the provision of diagnostic and treatment services for persons with suspected or confirmed latent or active TB, as well as prevention, education, surveillance and consultancy services.
In metropolitan areas TB Services usually operate within dedicated Chest Clinics. In regional and rural settings, TB Services may operate within a hospital, community or population health setting, depending on local health system structures and service needs.
The objectives of TB Services are to:
These objectives will be met by implementing the following strategies:
Provide screening for active and latent TB infection for healthcare workers, persons commencing immunosuppressive therapies, migrants from high TB incidence countries, and others as per relevant policies and guidelines.
Provide education and training to healthcare workers, the community and other stakeholders on all aspects of the prevention and control of TB.
Support operational research relating to TB, to inform local, state and national policy and practice.