This fact sheet provides advice for parents or carers currently using KetoCal 3:1 batch number 101101598.
Cronobacter are bacteria found naturally in the environment.
The bacteria can live in dry foods, such as:
Getting sick from Cronobacter does not happen often, but infections in infants can be serious.
Infants more likely to get sick from Cronobacter infections include infants 2 months and younger, infants born prematurely, and infants with weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy.
Cronobacter germs can cause a dangerous blood infection (sepsis) or make the linings surrounding the brain and spinal cord swell (meningitis).
Cronobacter nfection in infants will usually start with a fever and poor feeding, excessive crying, or very low energy. Some infants may also have seizures.
If your child develops these symptoms, take them to a doctor as soon as possible and bring this fact sheet with you.
Check the batch number and expiry date on the bottom of the tin.
The affected tins have a batch number of 101101598 and expiry date of 08.07.2023 (see figure 1)
If you have further questions, it is recommended you speak to your child’s specialist or dietician who can provide you with further advice.