For detailed guidance on environmental cleaning for EVD, refer to the Infection prevention and control principles and recommendations for Ebola Virus Disease document (33).
When planning for environmental cleaning in a non-hospital setting, it is important to consider whether the case was symptomatic, and whether the symptoms were “wet”, with copious vomiting, diarrhoea and other fluids, or “dry” with onset of fever, muscle pain, headache and sore throat:
The length of time the Ebola virus remains viable in the environment is unknown, however documented evidence shows a viability period of six days (7, 45, 46).To minimise risk to decontamination staff, decontamination should be delayed until six days after the case has been removed from the premises, where possible. This could involve shutting off a room or area of the house. The presence of other material e.g. faeces (which may provide protection for the virus), temperature, relative humidity and ultraviolet (UV) light can affect whether Ebolaviruses remain viable in the environment; however, they are readily inactivated by low-level disinfectants.
Ensure appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn, comprising a long sleeved shirt, gloves, mask and goggles or face shield. Areas where hand contact is most likely to have occurred (toilets, hand basins, taps, door knobs, bins, and bench tops) should be wiped down with a weak sodium hypochlorite solution. Used cleaning materials should be bagged and disposed of into the general waste.
Staff or persons undertaking decontamination must have an understanding of the nature of the Ebola virus and its modes of transmission and must follow appropriate infection control procedures including:
Conduct an initial inspection of premises to determine:
Areas where hand contact is most likely to have occurred (door knobs, taps, bench tops) should be decontaminated as a priority in a two stage process – first with a neutral detergent and then with a strong sodium hypochlorite solution. Other surfaces without visible contamination should be wiped down with a weak sodium hypochlorite solution.3
Where there is gross contamination of a surface such as by blood, faeces, vomit or other bodily fluids, disinfect any visible surface contamination by covering with absorbent material (e.g. paper towels), then strong hypochlorite solution on to saturate the area, and allow solution to soak into spills for at least 30 minutes before cleaning.
Grossly contaminated materials such as bed linen or clothing should be bagged, or otherwise contained, on site, and transported/disposed of as infectious waste.
Bed linen, clothing and other materials that are not grossly contaminated should be laundered in the normal way.
Soft furnishings that are not grossly contaminated may be steam cleaned as a precaution.
The generation of contaminated aerosols or splashes (e.g. through pressure sprays) or dusts (e.g. dry seeping) should be avoided. Areas where disinfectants are being used should be well ventilated.
Use of chemicals (including recommended contact times) must be as per the manufacturer’s instructions and/or Material Safety Data Sheet.
Any cleaning solutions repeatedly applied from a bucket should be disposed as clinical waste either at the end of cleaning of each room or when contamination of the solution is suspected.
All used cleaning solutions should be disposed of as clinical waste. All PPE, cleaning cloths and mops should be disposed of as infectious waste.
During cleaning, household members should not be present.
If a PPE breach occurs during cleaning, procedures for blood and body fluid exposures should be followed.
Return to the Ebola Virus Diseases (EVD) public health control guideline.