This guideline provides additional advice to dental services with regard to COVID-19.
Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) in dentistry include procedures that use any of the following devices: high speed hand pieces, surgical hand pieces, ultrasonic and sonic devices, air polishing devices, and lasers. Triplex where air and water are used together can be considered aerosol generating.
In most cases non-urgent dental treatment for a person with COVID-19 should be deferred until the person is deemed non‑infectious.
The following measures should be considered when managing and risk assessing the use of shared open clinics:
* Risk assessment for AGPs should consider the length of procedure and anticipated exposure to large volumes of blood/body fluids and respiratory droplets and prevalence of community transmission.
~ Eye protection - when within 1.5m of a person suspected or confirmed with COVID, or when blood or body substance splash is anticipated.
+ Gowns, aprons and P2/N95 should be disposed of when visibly contaminated or when doffing.
** Public Health Risk and alert phases are based on direction from Public Health response branch (PHRB) and the NSW Health Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC). Further information can be found on the Critical Intelligence Unit website and COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Manual.
Centre for Oral Health Strategy.
Dr Kerry Chant, Deputy Secretary, Chief Health Officer, NSW Ministry of Health.
To help guide dental services on PPE requirements during COVID-19 and post.