Public Health Act 2010
The Public Health Act 2010 (the Act) was passed by the NSW Parliament in December 2010 and commenced on 1 September 2012.
The objectives of the Public Health Act are to:
- protect and promote public health
- control the risk to public health
- promote the control of infectious diseases
- prevent the spread of infectious diseases
- recognise the role of local governments in protecting public health
- monitor diseases and conditions affecting public health.
Public Health Regulation 2022
The Public Health Regulation 2022 (the Regulation) commenced on 1 September 2022. The objectives of the Regulation are to support the smooth operation of the Act.
The Regulation makes provision for:
- installation, operation and maintenance requirements for cooling water and other regulated systems
- operating requirements for public swimming pools and spa pools
- the issuing of orders to temporarily close down public swimming pools or spa pools, or to take disinfection action, where there is a risk to public health
- requirements for the carrying out of skin penetration procedures and for the premises where such procedures are carried out
- quality assurance programs for suppliers of drinking water
- disease control measures
- the facilities and procedures for the handling of bodies of deceased persons, exhumations, cremations and other matters relating to the disposal of bodies
- the code of conduct for certain health practitioners and health organisations
- fees payable in relation to improvement notices, prohibition orders and inspection of premises
- notification and record keeping requirements
- penalty notice offences.