Oral Health 2020: A Strategic Framework for Dental Health in NSW


The Strategic Framework Oral Health 2020 sets the platform for oral health action in NSW into the next decade. It provides an overview of the oral health status of the population, outlines the goals for oral health services, describes target groups that require focussed efforts, and outlines the high level actions that will be pursued to improve the oral health of the population. The Strategic Framework will support the NSW Ministry of Health and Local Health Districts to plan and deliver priority programs tailored to the health needs of the populations at both a state and local level.

Related Links

 Progress on Oral Health 2020 [19 June 2014​]

File Size: 1610 kb
Type: Strategy, Policy
Date of Publication: 28 January 2013
ISBN: 978 1 74187 883 7
SHPN: (CEE) 120487