Rural generalist​ pathway for junior doctors

Applications for 2025 clinical year will open on 16 July 2024.

Register your interest now

Why choose us?

The RGSEP Program will provide you a length of ​training contact whilst you complete your training as a rural generalist (usually 1-4 years).

As a NSW Health employee, you will retain your award entitlements (e.g. sick leave, annual leave, long service leave) previously accrued as an intern and resident medical officer and these will continue to accrue in line with other specialist trainees employed by NSW Health.

Whilst on the RGSEP Program, you can​ work seamlessly across the rural local health districts in NSW (Far West, Western, Southern, Northern, Murrumbidgee, Illawarra Shoalhaven, Hunter New England and Mid North Coast) to access training positions​ that support your career growth and development.

The NSW Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway (RGSEP) is an employment pathway for junior doctors seeking a career as a rural generalist.

Trainees on the pathway are employed for up to four years by a regional Local Health District (LHD) while completing training in primary care and hospital settings.

The RGSEP offers rural generalist trainees a contract with a NSW Health LHD for the length of their training. This contract may last up to four years depending on your stage of training. As a rural generalist trainee, this allows you to keep your NSW Health Award entitlements (for example, sick leave, annual leave and parental leave), as other specialist trainees employed by NSW Health do.

NSW LHDs map

RGSEP positions are being offered in the following NSW Health:

  • Far West
  • Hunter New England
  • Illawarra Shoalhaven
  • Mid North Coast
  • Murrumbidgee
  • Northern NSW
  • Southern NSW
  • Western NSW.​

RGSEP benefits


RGSEP offers RG trainees:

  • Certainty about your location, income and working conditions including; work hours, on-call and leave entitlements such as long service and parental leave.
  • Your professional development needs will be supported.
  • A seamless transition between your hospital and General Practice training placement with no loss of entitlements.
  • An opportunity to develop strong professional links with referral hospitals and private practitioners within the region, and to become part of the rural practice network.

How to apply as an RG Trainee

RGSEP is available for trainees who are starting their RG training, or those who have already completed some components of the GP training pathway. You will be offered anywhere between a 1-4 year contract depending on the stage at which you commence employment with the local health district.

To be eligible, you must be enrolled in one of the following relevant vocational general practitioner (GP) training programs:

All trainees recruited to the RGSEP must also be eligible for selection into the Health Education and Training Institute, Rural Generalist Medical Training Program (RGTP).

There are two entry points to the RGTP: through the Foundation Year or via Advanced Skills Training year (lateral entry).

Upon completion, and pending successful completion of college assessments, you will exit with at least one advanced skill and a Fellowship of either or both:

  • the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) or
  • the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners- Rural Generalist (RACGP-RG).

NSW Health funded Advanced Skills Training posts are coordinated by the RGTP, and include Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, Palliative Care and Mental Health.

If you wish to undertake an alternate AST, you should discuss this with your college who can provide further advice.

As part of your RGSEP contract, you will be enrolled in the NSW RGTP.

Centralised recruitment for RGSEP placements will open on 16 July 2024 as part of the JMO recruitment campaign for the 2025 clinical year.

Outside of this, RGSEP opportunities are advertised at participating LHD locations throughout the year if they become available. If you are interested in a mid-year intake, please reach out to the Regional Health Division at

If successful, the employing LHD will work with your GP collage, a suitable GP practice, NSW Health and yourself to manage your rotations and meet your training requirements.

You may also have the opportunity to rotate to other rural local health districts at any point in your training by negotiation.  

Positions for the 2025 clinical year will also open on 16 July 2024.

These will be advertised as part of the annual Junior Medical Officer recruitment campaign. More information can be found at Campaign dates - 2025 clinical year and through searching 'General Practice' (Speciality) and 'rural generalist trainee' (position).

How your GP practice can be involved

GP practices interested in becoming part of the RGSEP should regist​​​er their interest​ and a member of the RGSEP team will be in touch with more information.

To be eligible to participate in the program, your practice and supervisor must be accredited by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and/or the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to be a GP Registrar Training Practice and GP Supervisor.

​Your practice must have the capacity and infrastructure to accommodate a GP trainee, and the ability to provide supervision both in the practice. This can be in Modified Monash Model 2-7 towns. Although an attractive offering, it is not necessary for you to be operating as a GP VMO, as this component of training can be supported by other means. 

Your practice will be required to enter into an agreement with the LHD to participate in the RGSEP.

​More information for GP practices can be found at Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway - FAQs for General Practices.

Useful links


If you have any questions or enquiries, please contact the Regional Health Division at

Current as at: Monday 1 July 2024
Contact page owner: Regional Health Division