Adahps (formerly the AIDS Dementia and HIV Psychiatry Service) provides a range of services to assist people who have HIV related cognitive impairment and complex health needs. It's a confidential service for NSW residents and it's free.
Some people with HIV need support to overcome health and other issues. Our case managers can provide a range of support based on your needs.
A neuropsychological assessment can often detect cognitive impairment and the cause of these symptoms.
We can fund care workers for people who need support to live as independently and be as healthy as possible.
Affordable short to medium term housing for people with HIV who are unable to live independently.
PICs is a partnership between Adahps, the HIV community teams and the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network. Justice Health obtain client consent and generate the referral to the community health services.
Provides accommodation and support to people with HIV, alcohol and other drug issues and another complex issue who are homeless. For more information visit the Haymarket Foundation
Our team has expertise in a range of areas including: HIV, psychiatric nursing, alcohol and other drugs, clinical psychology and neuropsychology, social work and counselling, accommodation and working with individuals with complex and challenging medical and social needs. We are happy to share our skill and experience by providing education and training along with assistance developing and implementing a treatment, care or support plan.
If you or someone you care for wants to raise a concern about your health, you can call the services listed on your Emergency Plan. Talk to your Adahps worker about the plan or download it and add your own contacts.
We have moved and have a new phone number:
349 Crown StSurry Hills NSW 2010Phone: 9332 - Friday8:30am - 4:30pm
Adahps programs and partners are listed in the Adahps service delivery model.